Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wednesday Weview: Orangurple

Yay! It's Wednesdaytime again.

THIS WEEK: Orangurple
It takes a lot for red, white & blue to not look like the 4th of July. This set does a good job not looking Americana. That was the main reason I chose this set. Gotta love the funky earrings, though. Those earrings are so awesome & spherical.

K: How did you find Polyvore?
O: I found Polyvore through some blog. I'm not sure what it was, but I clicked on the set and decided to try it out. After a few minutes of creating a set, I decided it was tons of fun and decided to join!

I. Love. Mixing. Prints. This set does that in a bizarre, yet workable (in my eyes) way. I never know what to do with those tiger print tees, and this set solves that problem! Please note the two different types of checked pattern. So daring! Glasses as a necklace is ironic, or at least amusing. The bag is really fun. I just realized this set has no shoes. I guess that means you go barefoot in this look. Even more awesome!

K: How much time do you usually spend on a set?
O: When I'm not doing anything else and only focusing on Polyvore, most of the time a set only takes about 10-15 minutes.

The way that this set plays off the idea of a circus ringleader is great. The shirt says "circus animal!" and the red vest with all the gold screams circus as well. The top hat is a nice, obvious choice, and the accessories are marvelous. The shorts have great tab details. The shoes are fantastic and bold. The set!

K: Where do you draw inspiration from?
O: I draw inspiration from fashion blogs, music, and sometimes random people on the street. 

I love the striped shirt & striped scarf combo here. The colors really play well off each other. The hat is classic, and the boots remind me of someone who would ride a motorcycle. Once again, very well picked accessories. The ring is amazing, I feel like someone who lived in medieval times & was really badass would wear that.

K: What is your current favorite item on Polyvore?
O: Oooh, that's a great question! It changes frequently, but at the moment it's this gorgeous skirt. I think I'm going to have to get it! 

This set is bogus, in a fun way. The pants are rad, & I'm a sucker for striped tees. Gray & white stripes is one of my favorite combos, too. The bag is so fruity & unexpected, and puts in a small bit of red to keep colors from being too matchy-matchy. The ring is simple but I feel it adds a lot to the outfit.

K: What is your current favorite set?
O: That's tough to decide! After half an hour of browsing my favorites, I had to choose this set by EtchaSketchinLola. And not only because of the lovely talk about my blog and the fact that she choose one of my sets as her favorite. :P I really, really like it! 


Jess Lee said...

These Polyvore features are great! Lovely choice of sets and users.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for featuring me! I like the critiques. :D

Martini said...

cool combinations